My journey through the MSc Programme has been marked by ‘blood, sweat, and tears.’ Three years of tireless commitment and a relentless willingness to invest as much time and energy as possible next to a family and a full-time job as a communications professional now draw to a close. Looking back to an extensive professional background in

In Switzerland, as in many countries, women's mental health is influenced by a variety of social, economic, and cultural factors unique to the region. While Switzerland boasts high standards of living and a robust healthcare system, women still face challenges that impact their mental well-being. One prominent issue is the persistent gender gap in the workforce. Despite

Differences between the brains of men and women have been a subject of scientific inquiry for many years. While there are some structural and functional differences, it's essential to understand that the brain is highly complex, and individual variation within genders is significant. However, these general differences can have implications for mental health in several ways: Risk