About you

Would you like to adopt a healthier lifestyle? Would you like to feel good in your skin once again? Fit and vital and full of joie de vivre?

In today’s consumer-oriented environment, where there is no shortage of tempting and even irresistible stimulants that promise consolation, reward, and satisfaction, it is understandable that one loses the will and strength to break the damaging vicious circle.
I help clients with unhealthy habits to apply mental techniques and methods to achieve their desired goals, to change their lifestyle in a sustainable way, and to activate their inner resources.

Would you like to feel completely happy once again? Would you like to sleep soundly once again? Be satisfied and relaxed?

There are endless reasons why someone is unhappy, depressed, or sad. And it is understandable that they then let their head hang down and often cannot close their eyes at night. This often leads to a relentless downward spiral, which makes one whirl endlessly in the maelstrom of gruelling feelings.
I help clients in stressful life situations to apply mental techniques and methods in order to release inner strength, to recognize new perspectives and to gain new confidence.

Do you want to stop getting in your own way? Do you want to be able to trust yourself more? To be fearless?

If a persistent and at best exaggerated fear of an object or situation forces someone to make great efforts to avoid the situation or object, or if the situation or object cannot be avoided and someone feels considerable distress as a result, it is understandable that they are prevented from achieving their full potential.
I help clients who suffer from fears and phobias to apply mental techniques and methods in order to gain inner freedom, gain courage, and discover new horizons.

Are you facing a difficult decision in your career and want to take the right path? Are you running at full speed and want to shift down a gear? Do you want to better balance your professional and private life?

In today’s fast-paced, competitive and shareholder value-driven business environment, it is easy for executives to lose their composure, orientation, and balance – and burn out.
I help managers in their demanding everyday work life to apply mental methods and techniques to define solution-oriented approaches to achieve coherent goals, set the right priorities, and gain mindfulness and balance.

Do you want to be free of pain now? Do you finally want to feel good in your skin again? To be able to move as you please?

If someone desperately runs from pillar to post because they seek relief for their permanent pain, it is understandable that their patience and hope hang by a thin thread.
I help clients with acute and chronic pain to apply mental techniques and methods to achieve rapid change, alleviate pain or even cure it.

Would you like me to help your child overcome stumbling blocks? Would you like me to support him or her in developing fully and realising himself or herself within the scope of his or her possibilities? So that a life full of opportunities is open to him or her?

There are many reasons why children and adolescents suffer from motivation and concentration problems, are plagued by fears, phobias or compulsions, develop sleeping or eating disorders or have a lack of self-esteem.
I help children and adolescents with minor and major concerns to activate and strengthen their inner resources with playful and age-appropriate approaches.
